Vierra Vitality
Your designed for self-healing
In a world of "dis-ease", people are endlessly addressing symptoms without going to the source. Our philosophy empowers individuals to assist nature in cleansing, detoxification, and regeneration thereby building back the vital force.
We offer individually tailored detox protocols, Detox Reboot Retreats, Wildcrafting Herbal Medicinal Workshops & Foraging, Holistic Health Coaching, Raw & Vegan Chef Services & Instructions, Health & Healing Workshops, TV & Radio Show Interviews.
Charmaine Vierra
Certified Health Coach
and Founder
In 2003, I was diagnosed with double-negative breast cancer. Emotionally, I was hitting rock bottom and feelings of hopelessness drove me to visualize the diagnosis as a death sentence. I decided that whatever life was left, I surely didn’t want to experience the effects and downtime from treatments that burned and poisoned my body. I opted for surgery avoiding additional treatments, that I believe would have compromised my vital force and immunity. By 2005, I received a copy of The China Study hot off the press, and I could hardly put it down. A light of consciousness as to the diet and disease relationship dawned on my mind as I read the first 100 pages. I saw clearly that my diet consisting of high amounts of animal protein fueled cancer growth. I became determined in my convictions to leave off all animal products.
In 2010, I began coaching individuals with lifestyle related diseases using detoxification, organic raw juice juices and live food. Using a modified Gerson protocol, I addressed both toxicity and nutritional deficiency with wonderful results.
At well over a half-century old, I have found that great health is contingent upon several factors one of which is consuming a primarily plant-based diet rich in a living rainbow of colors. I also make cleansing a habit using my branded natural herbal preparations to detoxify from heavy metals, harmful chemicals, and agricultural pesticides permeating today’s environment.
My tremendous passion in raw food led me to pursue hands-on training at Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, the world’s premier organic raw vegan chef training school, where I graduated as an Associate Chef & Instructor. For the past 16 years, I have been privileged to teach health education classes and to take my culinary skills around the globe conducting cooking demonstrations and schools to thousands of people.
In addition to being a Raw Vegan Chef, my educational background includes a:
BA in Sports Sciences with an emphasis in Sports Medicine
Food for Life Nutrition & Cooking Class Instructor (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)
Stanford Healthy Lifestyle Program® Facilitator (Stanford Prevention Research Center)

CHIP® Facilitator (Complete Health Improvement Project)

Certified Massage Practitioner

Currently completing a PhD in Health Education & Promotion

It’s my passion to coach and inspire others to live at their optimum health through regeneration of their vital force through cleansing, detoxification, and high-octane living plant foods.
Ready to dive in? I definitely am!